About Us

I’m Jamie, a mom of one to our daughter Malia and wife to Dan.

My love for Bamboo clothing came when our daughter was roughly 3 months old right before she became severely ill. When Malia was 5 months old she was admitted to the hospital for unknown reasons which we found out later she had a rare blood disorder known as Cyclic Neutropenia. This is why we also chose to partner with The National Neutropenia Network which is a non-profitable charitable organization to help and support patients, parents and loved ones navigate through the Neutropenia life. 5% of all of our profited proceeds will be donated to The National Neutropenia Network. Ever since this diagnosis we’ve had multiple hospital trips and stays which grew our love for bamboo even more. The fun designs I got to help create and come up with eased the stress on my mind and the material is buttery soft to keep us nice and cozy. Starting my own business has always been a dream of mine and tying it in with the love I have for our daughter and my family is even better.

I hope you will love our designs and clothing just as much as we do.

Thank you for supporting PeekaBamboo, The National Neutropenia Network and Neutropenic children all across the World.

With love,
The Melvins
Your PeekaBamboo Family